Lagunitas Brewing Company Tap Takeover

Posted August 21, 2018
Lagunitas Brewing Company hit town with a bunch of their outstanding brews that aren't available in New Zealand, that featured and proved exceptionally popular at Beervana in Wellington recently.
Tasting Paddles available to try the range.
As well as their IPA, they also come armed with the super exclusive...
Sumpin' Easy-
A healthy dose of 2-row malted barley, a bit of wheaty-esque-ish-ness and loads of Ekuanot hops to create a super smooth and velvety ale with a fruit and resin-y- finish like biting into a freshly picked peach. Easy!
Czech Style Pils-
Our only Unlimited Lager, brewed with loads of imported Saaz hops and a bottom-fermenting yeast strain that leaves it Light and Crisp and Easy to Slam, yet full of real flavor and all the things you yearn for.
Citrusinensis Pale Ale-
We took some fresh Sanguinello Blood oranges, juiced 'em, concentrated that juice (without heat) and threw it into a wheatier version of our DogTown Pale Ale. The end result? A refreshingly hopped pale-ish ale with a huge citrus burst!
Born Again Yesterday Ale-
It’s the Holy Grail pursuit of brewing in hoppy beer making: year-round wet-hop flavor. Hops are good, fresh hops are better, wet hops are the best. We say ‘wet hops’ because they have not been dried after harvest. We say ‘better’ because they possess the fullest expression of hop flavor; vine-fresh. But as with another herbaceous favorite of ours, they must be quickly dried to prevent mold and spoilage. That drying process is done delicately but something is always lost in translation. Other good brewers have taken up the quest. The results have varied. Ours is a homegrown process of time dilation for the delicate hop cone that the flower doesn’t even perceive and so delivers its still newborn self to our kettle months and months after its birth. Questing has no end and we are still tweaking our process but we hope you find this mid-summer anachronism to be as satisfying as we do. If you dig it, enjoy it. We’ll make more! MORE ABOUT THE FREAKIN' WET HOPS: To figure out this brand new wet hop preservation process, we had to forget everything that we already knew about how hops are processed and preserved. We tried 5 or 6 different things to try and achieve this process (some of which failed miserably), then we discovered a relatively simple process that deliberately did all the things that the textbooks told us not to do. This new proprietary process involves a lot of time and money, and even more thinking about hops and freshness in new ways. From all of this, we found a brand-spankin’-new way to preserve the hops, fresh from the Yakima Valley trellises, first born during harvest season into the Born Yesterday last fall, and reborn into this scary new next step, the Born Again Yesterday Pale Ale, six months later, to the beer in your hands today.